Jesus was on a disciplemaking mission while on earth. He made disciples and sent them to make disciples. And that’s what they did.

Jesus was a disciplemaker. And as He made disciples, He intentionally modeled with them what He sent them to do.

That’s the miracle of disciplemaking – when done well, your disciples will not only learn how to make disciples by watching you, they will also be compelled by the Spirit to do what Jesus told His disciples to do: “make disciples.”

As a family of churches, we are committed to making disciples who make disciples who make disciples…to the fourth generation and beyond. That’s what we do. And we do it everywhere – and all over the place.

“True, you will find few scholars or leaders in Christian circles who deny that we are supposed to make disciples or apprentices to Jesus and teach them to do all things that Jesus said … Jesus’ instructions on this matter are, after all, starkly clear. We just don’t do what he said. We don’t seriously attempt it. And
apparently we don’t know how to do it.”

– Dallas Willard
The Divine Conspiracy

It’s what we talk about. And pray about. And even how we measure our success. Practically speaking – this is what matters most! We seek to evaluate on a regular basis – “how many of our disciples are making disciples?”

We are here to help you make disciples. We offer training and coaching to get better all the time at simply doing what Jesus did – making disciples.

Our vision as a region is to influence 10,000 leaders by 2030, who will be actively involved in disciple-making.