


We exist to make disciples, to birth, rebirth and develop healthy churches that reproduce,
​impacting individuals for Christ through fulfilling The Great Commission.


REGIONAL OFFICE: The Western Region office serves the geographic boundaries of the six state western region geographic areas, as well as any new Mission Districts that would develop.  It would continue to provide all the administrative needs of the region.  Included would be property group insurance, health insurance, networking, coordination, cooperation, collaboration, mentoring, coaching, ministerial credentialing, etc.  It will provide the assessment system for church planting, help with funding; and will help facilitate Mission Districts to reach their Kingdom Potential.

MISSION DISTRICTS: Within the six-state region several Mission Districts will be developed within California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. (Note: MD’s may include churches outside the 6 state regional boundaries).  As growth takes place districts would be formed within those geographical boundaries.  A District would be so designated when 15 churches were birthed and organized or adopted in the geographic area (per the Missionary Church Constitution).  Districts would have multiplication as part of their DNA, thus continuing the mulitiplication process.  Prior to that each district with less than 15 churches would be designated as a Mission District.

Each Mission District would have its own District Leader.  This person may be a pastor or district employee or church planter.  Each MD would be responsible for its own Vision, the planting and adopting of churches and charged specifically with the mission of developing healthy new churches.

Ethnic Districts may be formed and straddle other district geographic boundaries.  The goal would be to develop different ethnic churches within the confines of the district.

a.  Definition of Mission District (MD): A Mission Disrtice (MD) is defined as a geographic area in the six-state Western Region or beyond designated as such by the Regional Oversight Council.  Geographic areas where there are no present churches would be considered first along with growing metropolitan areas and the empowerment of catalytic leaders.  It is also defined as having Missional Characteristics.  For the purpose of simplicity the (MD) will be referred to as a Mission District (MD).

b.  Purpose: The purpose of the MD is to create an atmosphere, which enables and facilitates Vision and Mission at the grass roots level.  Churches would be planted and adopted.  Multiple church models would be developed to reach generational and cultural differences.

c.  Personnel: Each MD would be led by a catalytic leader who may be a Pastor, church planter or district employee.  Ideally an MD would start with a team of passionate, committed and called individuals and who relate to the specific MD area.  An MD may also be started from an existing beachhead church located in the geographic area.

d.  Priority:
1.  Mission District (MD) areas will be prioritized and implemented.
2.  All Districts/Mission Districts will operate under the umbrella of the Western Region.
3.  Each MD will have a catalytic leader.
4.  Recruitment of the right people for the right place is critical.
5.  Hiring someone specifically to recruit those leaders and also church planters or the various MD’ may be necessary.
6.  All current churches and new churches in the MD would conintue to pay their fair share to the Western Region according to the denominational Mission District guidelines.
7.  When a MD reaches 15 organized churches it may become its own District.  At that time it may hive off some of its churches and create another MD, thus continuing the multiplication process within the Region or it may grow itself to 40 churches before multiplying itself.
8.  Any district with less than 15 churches would be classified as an MD.
9.  The Western Region may help provide initial funding for the MD, as well as all administrative needs, insurances, problem solving, legal and technical advice/expertise etc as needed.  The Western Regional office in Moorpark, CA would continue to provide all current resources to its churches and MD.
10. The Western Regional Director will work directly with the District/MD leaders.