Strengthening Churches

Strengthening Churches

“strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith”

(Acts 14:22)

We read in Acts that after the Apostle Paul started churches in Lystra and Iconium, he returned “strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith” (Acts 14:22). We see Judas and Silas also “encouraged and strengthened the believers” (Acts 15:32).

We believe that healthy leaders lead healthy churches. Our commitments to making disciples and empowering leaders results in more and better churches.

We believe that healthy leaders lead healthy churches. Our commitments to making disciples and empowering leaders results in more and better churches.

We provide Natural Church Development (NCD) assessment tools to help churches objectively evaluate their strengths and opportunities.

Strategic planning processes, consultations, annual conferences, prayer retreats, peer networking, and online resources contribute to the strengthening of our churches.

We will do anything short of sin to see our churches live out the mission of Jesus.

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In the broadest sense, the Missionary Church is almost two million people in more than 20,000 congregations in more than 100 countries. There are more than 500 congregations in the United States.